In this time of information overload, people do not want more information... they want a story they can relate to.
We help companies and destinations with their stories... from a 3rd party perspective.
Not top-down commercial messages.... but authentic peer2peer communication.
We traveled the world to interview business leaders for over 15 years and encountered quite some gender inequality.
The world is ready for a more inclusive and female leadership.
We decided to support women in leadership by means of storytelling, personal branding and online positioning
- Women's Forum of NY
- Women Presidents' Organization
- Women's Campaign Fund
- Talentnomics
- Female Board Directors
We work with a diverse team of people from around the world
This is what our clients say about us
Through our partners, we can provide new insights and a broader perspective.
CoolBrands People Inc.
New York
New York +1 917 498 4057