Tammy Jersey
- Amplifier for Women Leaders
Tammy Jersey - Amplifier for Women Leaders
Hire Leaders for What they Can Do, Not What They Have Done’ is the holy grail of smart recruiting.
The key is to ask questions to understand how the person thinks, what they value, how they treat others, and, in turn, how they expect to be treated.
Their judgment and approach to problem-solving also matter. These qualities will guarantee they can handle whatever you throw at them.
As an executive recruiter, I ‘know it when I see it’ — my sixth sense always guides me when I meet the right candidate with the perfect combination of qualities.
And I clear my client’s calendar to put this gem at the front of the line. The rest is history.
My Passion:
Guiding executives to become their best selves and finding game-changing leaders for our clients.
Over the years, I have learned that finding outstanding and unique leaders, or what I call ‘Unicorns’, requires an out of the box approach. Surprising my clients with people and possibilities they never previously thought about – helping them look for solutions through a different lens – this is what makes me tick and keeps me excited.
My Mission:
Amplifying women leaders: Companies are looking to include more high-performing women in the leadership ranks. However, many entrenched cultures make it challenging to find and successfully integrate these female superstars into their organizations. My mission is two-fold: ensure the best culture matches and empower women to succeed at higher levels, including succession to the Executive Committee and Boardroom.